This is a mirror of the Modular Journalism 1.0 documentation, which is temporarily unavailable on its home page.

Story Types

The stories we are working to generate with news modules. They can traditional types of work for news like an analysis or a reportage or new formats for storytelling.

Data & Facts


A story that provides the user with key data, to help them understand the key facts and figures underlying an event or policy. This provides a focus on factual, quantitative information, and can open up new angles or understandings of a story.
User Needs
What are the key facts?, What do key people say?, What is the data?, What has got us here?, Are any people particularly or disproportionately affected?, What don't we know?

Full Context


A story which explains the full context, rather than simply focusing on the "breaking" aspect, or the new "top line". This gives users an accessible entry point into the story, and enables them to feel informed, even if they don't regularly engage with news.
User Needs
What happened?, Why is this important?, What are the key facts?, What is the data?, What has got us here?, Are any people particularly or disproportionately affected?, How can we fix it?, What is the impact on my community?, What don't we know?

Solutions Approach


A story which takes a "solutions" or "constructive" approach, analysing potential solutions to a problem. Enables users to understand and assess options which might provide resolution to a problem, rather than being left with feelings of hopelessness or a lack of agency.
User Needs
Why is this important?, What are the key facts?, What do key people say?, What is the data?, What has got us here?, Are any people particularly or disproportionately affected?, How can we fix it?

Update Me


A story which provides a basic update, including the key facts and why it is important. A richer version of the traditional breaking news story, which ensures that users have useful information that can be effectively processed.
User Needs
What happened?, Why is this important?, What are the key facts?

Community Impact


A story that helps the user understand what impact a particular event or policy will have on them and their community. The aim is to clarify the relevance of the story, but also connect the user more directly to policy or practice which might otherwise feel remote.
User Needs
Why is this important?, What are the key facts?, What is the impact on my community?